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《中英對照讀新聞》US asks S. Korea to arrest ex-UN chief’s brother 美國要求南韓逮捕前聯合國秘書長胞弟

2017/01/22 06:00



The United States has asked South Korea to arrest former United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s brother on charges of bribery, sources said Saturday.


South Korea’s Ministry of Justice is in talks with the US government after it requested the arrest of Ban Ki-sang, the sources said. The younger Ban has been indicted with his son in New York in October.


Ban’s brother and his nephew Ban Joo-hyun are accused of attempting to hand over some US$500,000 to an unidentified official from the Middle East in the course of trying to sell a building owned by a South Korean construction firm, Keangnam Enterprises, in Vietnam.


The money, however, is known to have been spent by a middleman named Malcolm Harris before reaching the official. "Though official discussions have not begun, the two sides are exchanging views on the matter," an official said, adding they are checking relevant laws.



on charges of :介係詞片語,被指控。例句︰They have been handed down a jail sentence of 5 months on charges of insulting the president.(他們被控侮辱總統而遭判刑5個月。)

indict:及物動詞,起訴、控告。例句︰A grand jury is expected to indict her for murder.(大陪審團可望以謀殺罪對她提起公訴。)

in the course of:介系詞片語,在…期間、在…(過程)當中。例句︰Children will get used to school in the course of time.(經過一段時間,兒童將會漸漸習慣學校。)

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