《中英對照讀新聞》D.C. hotels were expecting an inaugural booking frenzy. Instead they’ve got vacancies-華府飯店原本期待就職房熱潮。結果卻乏人問津
A few blocks from the White House, employees at the St. Regis hotel had spent weeks preparing for election night.
They knew that as soon as the country’s next president was announced, or even a few hours before, there would be an onslaught of requests from supporters looking to book rooms for January’s inauguration. As they do every four years, the hotel staffed its reservation desk around-the-clock and waited.
Except this time, the calls didn’t come.
Nearly 36 hours after Donald Trump was named the country’s next president, the luxury hotel hadn’t received a single new reservation for January’s festivities.
"Nope, zero, nothing," said Douglas Camp, the hotel號s director of sales and marketing. "Dead silence."
In fact, that wasn號t exactly true. The hotel did receive two calls on Wednesday morning - both from Democrats looking to cancel their previously made reservations.
as soon as:慣用語,一…就。例句:She left as soon as she heard you were coming.(她一聽到你要過來就走了。)
look to someone or something (for something):慣用語,指望,期待。例句:She looked to the bank for a loan.(她想要跟銀行貸款。)
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