《中英對照讀新聞》Children who drink full-fat milk end up slimmer 小孩喝全脂牛奶結果變得更瘦
Children should drink full-fat milk until the age of at least six, a study suggests – as they are likely to grow up slimmer and have higher levels of vitamin D.
The study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition involved 2,745 children ages two to six years. It measured their height and weight to calculate BMI and took blood samples to assess vitamin D levels.
In recent years, experts have recommended that toddlers switch to semi-skimmed milk from the age of two, as part of efforts to prevent obesity. However, the new study found that those given full-fat milk ended up with a significantly lower BMI than those given semi-skimmed milk.
The study also suggests that children who drank full-fat milk were likely to end up less hungry, making them less likely to snack on high calorie foods. Besides, they were found to have higher levels of vitamin D, which protects the bones and immune system.
full-fat milk:名詞,全脂牛奶。例句:Most people prefer the taste of full-fat milk.(多數人偏好全脂牛奶的味道。)
end up:動詞片語:結果、最後、落得。例句:If you continue to steal you will end up in prison.(如果你繼續偷竊,你會被抓去坐牢。)
snack on:動詞片語,以…為點心。例句:One way to lose weight is to snack on carrots instead of junk food.(減重的方法之一,就是以胡蘿蔔代替垃圾食物做為點心。)
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