《中英對照讀新聞》N. Korea says South committing ‘terror’ by luring defectors 北韓稱南韓因引誘背叛者而犯下「恐怖行為」
North Korea’s Foreign Ministry on Thursday accused South Korea of committing ``political terror’’ by stepping up efforts to encourage defections by North Koreans overseas, especially diplomats.
Ju Wang Hwan, a ministry official working in its Institute for Disarmament and Peace, said North Korean diplomats around the world have received emails with attachments containing articles that look like they are from North Korean state media. He said the articles have been changed to confuse and influence their intended readers by ``viciously slandering our supreme leader and our socialist system.’’
Jeong Joon-Hee, spokesman of Seoul’s Unification Ministry, dismissed the North Korean claims as ``groundless’’ and ``distorted propaganda.’’ Several high-profile North Korean defections have occurred this year. A group of North Korean women working at a restaurant in China defected in April, but Pyongyang authorities insisted they were abducted against their will.
North Korean deputy ambassador to London Thae Yong Ho also defected to South Korea this year. He is the most senior official publicly acknowledged to have done so in recent years. Pyongyang did not dispute his defection, but accused him of running away from sexual and financial crimes.
distort:動詞,歪曲、曲解、使……失真。His face was distorted by pain.(他的臉因疼痛而扭曲。)
against one’s will:介係詞片語,違反本意、違心。He can’t force me to come with him against my will.(他不能強逼我跟他來。)
dispute:動詞,爭執(論)、對……有異議。No one ever disputed that it was the right decision.(不曾有人質疑這個決定的正確性。)
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