《中英對照讀新聞》Squirrel attack leaves 3 injured at retirement home 松鼠攻擊退休之家3人受傷
A staff member at the Sterling Court retirement home in Deltona, Fla., called 911 on Thursday afternoon to report that several people had been attacked by a squirrel and needed immediate medical assistance.
The squirrel bit someone sitting outside the building — and when the animal would not let go, the person ran into the activity room.
Once inside, the animal went on a rampage, according to the Orlando Sentinel.
"We had a squirrel that entered our building and it’s in our activity room and it’s jumping on people and biting them and scratching them," a woman told the dispatcher, according to audio from the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office. "So we need help."
Brian Fawkes, a spokesman for Holiday Retirement, the company that manages Sterling Court, told The Washington Post that a resident captured the squirrel and threw it out the door.
Three people — two Sterling Court residents and a staff member — were injured in the attack, he said.
let go:慣用語,放手,鬆開;也可用於放下憤怒或挫折。例句:She found it號s hard to let the past go and forgive the person who had hurt her so badly.(她發現放下過去與原諒傷她很深的人並非易事。)
go on a rampage:慣用語,暴怒,大抓狂。例句:The boss went on a rampage because no one show up for work on time.(老闆因為沒人準時上班而大為光火。)
throw something out:片語動詞,把某物丟出去。
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