《中英對照讀新聞》Japan’s sex problem is so bad that people are quitting dating and marrying their friends 日本性問題嚴重,以致人們放棄約會,並與他們的朋友結婚
The Japanese sex problem has become so desperate that its young population has given up on dating and is just marrying friends. The country has one of the lowest birth rates in the world, with just 8.4 children being born per 1,000 inhabitants over the past five years.
In recent weeks, people have posted stories to the website Matome Naver, telling how in one case a colleague married a friend of 10 years. The trend has been coined "Kousai zero Nichikon":roughly translated as "marrying without dating."
最近幾週,人們在Matome Naver網站上張貼故事,講述一名同事如何與一名結識10年的好友結婚的案例。這股趨勢已創造出新詞「交際零日婚」:約略之意為「無約會結婚」。
Japanese actress Maki Horikita married costar Koji Yamamoto in 2015 after just a month of dating. However, there is no real evidence that the "kousai zero nichikon" trend is taking the far-eastern islands by storm.
A government survey found 69% of Japanese men and 59% of Japanese women do not have a romantic partner. The survey, carried out by the country’s National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, also reported that about 80% of unmarried Japanese want to get married.
coin:動詞,鑄造(貨幣),創造(新詞)。例句:"Brexit" is a recently coined word. (「英國脫歐」是最近的新創詞。)
costar:名詞,同戲明星,合演明星。例句:Carrie Fisher had a secret affair with her married costar, Harrison Ford. (嘉莉費雪曾與她的已婚同戲演員哈里遜福特有過一段秘密婚外情。)
take by storm:動詞片語,掀起風潮。例句:K-Pop has take Asia by strom.(韓國流行音樂在亞洲掀起風潮。)
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