《中英對照讀新聞》Playboys and sexist men are more prone to mental health problems 花花公子和性別歧視男性易有心理健康問題
《諮商心理學報》一篇研究指出,花花公子或自覺凌駕於女性之上的男性,更容易有心理健康問題。(圖擷自The Guardian)
Men who behave like promiscuous playboys or feel powerful over women are more likely to have mental health problems than men with less sexist attitudes. An analysis found links between sexist behavior and mental health issues such as depression and substance use, said a study in the Journal of Counseling Psychology.
This research involved more than 19,000 men and was conducted over a span of 11 years. The researchers looked at 11 traits of traditional masculinity, including dominance, winning, emotional control, pursuit of playboy behaviour, primacy of work, self-reliance, level of homophobia, pursuit of status, power over women, risk-taking and violence.
After recording each man’s attitudes, the researchers looked at their mental health, and whether they have sought treatment. The result shows that men who see themselves as having power over women or adhering to "playboy" behavior are more likely to have psychological problems.
More troublingly, the study also found that the men who conformed most to the sexist norms were also the least likely to seek help for their psychological problems.
playboy:名詞,花花公子、尋歡作樂的男子。例句:Her fourth husband was a playboy. (她的第四任丈夫是一名花花公子。)
masculinity:名詞,陽剛之氣、男子氣概。例句:He likes to show off his masculinity.(他喜歡表現自己的陽剛之氣。)
norm:名詞,規範、標準。例如:Moral norms are the rules that people ought to follow. (道德規範是人們必須遵守的規則。)
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