《中英對照讀新聞》Children spend only half as much time playing outside as their parents did 孩童在外玩樂時間 僅父母年幼時一半
一項調查指出,現在的小孩在外頭玩樂的時間只有父母年幼時的一半。(圖擷自The Guardian)
Children today spend half the time their parents did playing outside, a survey suggests.
96% of the 1,001 parents with children aged between four and 14 quizzed for the National Trust thought it was important their children had a connection with nature and thought playing outdoors was beneficial for their development.
The research found, on average, children were playing outside for just over four hours a week, compared to 8.2 hours a week when the adults questioned were children.
The Trust has a list of 50 things for children to do before they turn 11 and three-quarters to get them engaging with the outdoors, including climbing a tree, hunting for bugs, building a den, explore inside a tree and tracking wild animals.
National Trust hopes that instilling a love for nature in our children now encourages them to continue to protect the beauty of the great outdoors for years to come.
den:名詞,洞穴;藏身處。例句:When we were kids, we used the attic as our den. (我們小時候把閣樓當成秘密基地。)
track:動詞,跟蹤。例句:The police tracked the kidnapper and managed to capture him alive. (警方一路跟蹤綁匪,並設法活逮他。)
instill:動詞,灌輸;教導。例句:Parents need to instill a positive attitude toward frustration in their children’s minds. (父母必須灌輸孩子面對挫折時該有的正向態度。)