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《中英對照讀新聞》Get a new career, police tell bungling Irish crook 警察勸愛爾蘭笨賊改行

2006/12/03 06:00


Irish police have told a man dubbed Ireland’s dumbest crook to give up his disastrous criminal career before it gets the better of him.


The unnamed man in his 30s has been arrested three times and each heist has brought him closer to the hereafter.


Police took the man into custody and to the hospital at the weekend after he was hit by a truck while making a getaway from a betting shop robbery, the Irish Sun newspaper reported.


He has also been plucked from a chimney where he became stuck while trying to burgle a house, and from the ceiling of a bank where he was pinned by a security device. When they arrived at the bank he was dangling by one leg and stuffing cash into his underpants.


"Go straight before you kill yourself," the Sun quoted Dublin police as having told him.



career:指比較具有長遠性、規劃性的職業,職場生涯;job是比較短期、暫時或是為了餬口的工作。例句: My career is narrow, I switched jobs 5 times , but I got fired in every single of them. (我的職場生涯並不寬廣,換了5次工作,但是每份工作都被解僱。)

get the better of:片語,勝過;擊敗。意同defeat,如︰get the better of an adversary(戰勝對手)。

hereafter:名詞,死後的生活;來世。例句:Do you believe in the hereafter?(你是否相信有來世?)



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