《中英對照讀新聞》Got Hangover ? New Zealand’s ’morning maids’ help clean up post-party mess 宿醉纏身?紐西蘭「晨光女僕」幫你收拾派對殘局
紐西蘭一家業者專門協助收拾派對殘局。(圖擷自The Guardian)
A New Zealand maid service cleaning up the homes of hung-over party-hosts has been inundated with requests for their services, from home and abroad.
Flatmates Rebecca and Catherine launched their cleaning service in Auckland. The service picks up the pieces from parties – cleaning up revellers’ debris (including vomit at NZ$10), cooking or buying breakfast for hung-over hosts – even doing coffee and painkiller runs.
Since launching on Facebook in early May, Rebecca and Catherine have been receiving requests from around the country, as well as calls from people in the US and Canada interested in franchising the startup.
Rebecca and Catherine are both in full-time employment, and squeeze their business into their nights and weekends.
"When people answer the door they are usually really apologetic about the state of their house. But we’ve both been in our 20s and partied so it’s nothing we haven’t seen before," laughs Catherine.
pick up the pieces:動詞片語,收拾殘局。例句:When kids cause a disaster, their parents come to pick up the pieces. (小孩闖禍,大人收拾殘局。)
franchise:動詞,加盟。例句:They decided to franchise in the promising beverage store. (他們決定加盟這家前景看好的飲料店。)
apolegetic:形容詞,認錯的;懊悔的。例句:The mayor issued an apolegetic statement for his indiscreet remarks. (市長為他的不當發言發表道歉聲明。)
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