《中英對照讀新聞》Philippines Duterte: God told me to stop swearing 菲律賓的杜特蒂:上帝告訴我停止罵髒話
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte says he has promised God he will clean up his famously vulgar language.
Arriving in his home city of Davao after a trip to Japan, Mr Duterte said God gave him an ultimatum on the plane. "I heard a voice telling me to stop swearing or the plane will crash in mid-air, and so I promised to stop," he told reporters at the airport.
Mr Duterte’s blunt speaking, often directed at the West, has contributed to his popularity at home. He called President Barack Obama a "son of a whore", called the European Union "hypocritical", threatened to leave the UN and accepted comparisons to Hitler, saying he would gladly kill three million drug addicts. All were responses to criticisms of his bloody war on drugs.
Mr Duterte said he had promised God he would not "express slang, cuss words and everything", and said a "promise to God is a promise to the Filipino people".
But he suggested his promise might have its limits. Whether he will stick to not swearing when talking about the US, EU or arch political foe Senator Leila de Lima, will depend on timing.
Like most Filipinos, Mr Duterte is Roman Catholic, although he has boasted about his womanising and called the Pope a "son of a whore" for causing traffic jams during his visit.
ultimatum:最後通牒。例句:He was given an ultimatum—work harder or lose his job.(他接獲最後通牒:更認真工作或丟掉工作。)
cuss words :髒話、罵人話。例句:He never used cuss words in front of his children.(他在子女面前絕不罵髒話。)
hypocritical:虛偽的、偽善的。例句:He is selfish and hypocritical.(他既自私又虛偽。)
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