《中英對照讀新聞》Hitler’s childhood home to be torn down, Austria announces 奧地利宣佈,希特勒的童年故居將被拆除
The house in Austria where Adolf Hitler was born is set to be demolished and replaced with a new building to stop it becoming a place of pilgrimage of neo-Nazis, the Austrian government has said. The future of the house has been widely debated, with opinion torn between razing it or changing its use.
The argument was further complicated after its owner refused to sell but Interior Minister Wolfgang Sobotka said a committee of experts had decided that the house should be demolished, reported Austrian newspaper Die Presse. A new building put in its place will be used for administrative or for charitable purposes.
Hitler was born in a rented room on the top floor of the building, near the Austro-German border, on 20 April 1889. During Nazi rule, the house was transformed into a shrine to Hitler as the town drew in a wave of tourists. But as the Nazis began to lose control in 1944, it was shut up.
Despite the efforts of successive governments to stop it drawing neo-Nazis sympathisers, locals say it still does. "I’ve even witnessed people from Italy or from France coming here… for adoration purposes," a teacher said.
demolish:動詞,拆除,毀壞。例句:Many buildings were demolished by a hurricane.(許多建築物被颶風毀壞。)
pilgrimage:名詞,朝聖,朝拜。例句:Many people go on a pilgrimage to Mecca.(許多人前往麥加朝聖。)
neo-Nazis:名詞,新納粹份子,新納粹主義者。例句:The Greek neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party has announced it will support Trump.(希臘新納粹主義「金色黎明黨」宣佈,該黨將支持川普。)
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