《中英對照讀新聞》Syrian mother living under siege is Marvel’s latest superhero 生活在圍困下的敘利亞母親是漫威的最新超級英雄
Besieged by the Syrian government for two years, the city of Madaya has had little contact with the outside world - barely reachable by aid convoys, let alone video journalists.
So ABC News and Marvel Comics, known for its muscular superheroes, teamed up find another way to help the world see the devastating reality of life under siege.
因此,美國廣播公司新聞網(ABC News)與創作出孔武有力超級英雄而聞名的「漫威漫畫」合作,找到另一個方式,幫助世界看見在圍困下毀滅性的生命現實。
Journalists at ABC had been in contact with a woman living in Madaya - a city home to some 40,000 people near the border with Lebanon - who chronicled in a series of blog posts her fight to survive the harsh conditions brought on by the Syria’s civil war.
The two Disney-owned companies created a free, digital comic based on the anonymous dispatches by the young mother of five - a way to try and demonstrate the horrors their cameras could not access.
The illustrated panels are far less bloody than they are heartbreaking. Combined with the powerful words of the mother, they speak to the severe hardships trapped families are enduring.
"Our bodies are no longer used to eating," reads one panel. "My children are hungry but are getting sick, severe stomach pains from the food because their bodies aren’t able to digest and absorb the food because they were hungry for so long."
let alone:更別提。例句:I’ve not even read the first chapter, let alone finished the book.(我連第一章都還沒看,遑論讀完全書了。)
team up:合作。例句:They teamed up to write this proposal.(他們合作撰寫這份提案。)
bring on:引發。例句:Her illness was brought on by poor feeding.(她的病是飲食不佳造成的。)
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