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《中英對照讀新聞》 Man spends 43 years in wheelchair on wrong diagnosis 男子因誤診而度過43年輪椅歲月

2016/09/28 06:00


A Portuguese man spent 43 years in a wheelchair because of a mistaken medical diagnosis, finally re-learning to walk only in his fifties.


When Rufino Borrego was 13, he was diagnosed by a Lisbon hospital as having incurable muscular dystrophy, the Jornal de Noticias reported on Sunday.


After that he used a wheelchair to get around for more than four decades - until a neurologist realised in 2010 that he in fact suffered from a different disease that weakens the muscles, myasthenia.


The rare disease can be treated simply by taking asthma medication - and just a year after his new diagnosis, Borrego was able to walk for the first time to his usual neighbourhood cafe.


"We thought it was a miracle," Manuel Melao, owner of the cafe in Alandroal, southeast Portugal, told the newspaper.


Now aged 61, Borrego is able to live a normal life, requiring only two physiotherapy sessions a year.


He insists he harbours no ill-feelings against the hospital that made the original diagnosis, acknowledging that myasthenia was almost unknown in the medical profession in the 1960s. "I just want to make use of my life," he said.



harbour:心懷、懷藏。例句:She has been harbouring hostility toward me.(她一直對我懷有敵意。)

ill-feelings:敵意、猜忌、不信任。例句:The dinner broke up in an atmosphere of sullen ill-feelings.(晚宴在相互猜忌的沉悶氣氛中不歡而散。)

make use of:使用、利用。例句:He made good use of his spare time.(他善用他的閒暇時間。)

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