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《中英對照讀新聞》 Feeling unloved at work? You’re not alone 覺得工作上不被欣賞?你並不孤單

2016/09/01 06:00



Almost half of US workers said they "never" feel appreciated for their hard work, and more than one-third of Indian and German workers held the same idea, according to a poll conducted by Monster, a widely-used job-search website.


"Employees do not feel as though they are making a difference," said Joanie Courtney, senior vice president of Monster, in an email. In the US, that effort to make a difference leads to long work hours. A full 39% of American workers reported working more than 50 hours per week.


Despite all those hours, workers don’t feel they’re acknowledged for their efforts and contributions.


Just 10% said they feel appreciated only occasionally, according to the poll. The result, said Courtney:Morale plummets. No wonder 68% said they don’t love their jobs.


It’s never too late to turn morale around though, Courtney said. Managers must recognize individuals’ work performances and thank them for their contributions. They need to show they care.



as though:片語慣用語,好像;彷彿。例句:He dictated where we should stand as though he were the host. (他規定我們應該站在哪裡,好像他是主辦人似的。)

acknowledge:動詞,承認。例句:I acknowledged that her idea was the best.(我承認她的構想是最棒的。)

morale:名詞,士氣;鬥志。例句:Losing the crucial game, the team also lost its morale. (輸掉關鍵比賽後,團隊的士氣也受到打擊。)

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