《中英對照讀新聞》Finding Gobi:Runner finds the dog that followed him on an ultramarathon in China 尋找戈壁:跑者找回在中國超級馬拉松賽中跟隨他的狗
A small stray dog had won hearts all over the world after deciding to follow an Australian runner for several days during an ultramarathon through China’s forbidding Gobi desert.
Dion Leonard fell in love with the dog, named her Gobi and planned to bring her back to his home in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Then, on Aug. 15 , just before she was due to travel to Beijing to enter quarantine, the dog disappeared, scampering out an open door in the Chinese city of Urumqi, where she was being looked after.
Leonard flew back to China to look, launching a media and social media campaign and putting posters up all over the city. Volunteers helped him scour Urumqi, asking guards, taxi drivers, cleaners and fruit vendors; and visiting parks and dog shelters.
But at the bottom of his heart, Leonard feared it would be a fruitless quest. Then, a Chinese man called:He and his son had seen a small stray dog in a local park. They had brought her home and thought she could be the one.
"I walked into the room, and I didn’t say a word. Gobi spotted me as soon as I walked in, and she started running toward me. Literally, she was running up my leg and jumping all over me and squealing with delight. It was just mind-blowing to think that we had found her," he said. "It was a miracle."
at the bottom of one’s heart:在內心深處。例句:At the bottom of his heart, he was disappointed at the results.(在他內心深處,對於該結果他感到失望。)
scour:四處搜查、細查。例句:She scoured the bookstores for the poetic works of Shelley.(她跑遍各家書店,尋找雪萊的詩集。)
mind-blowing:令人極為興奮、震驚。例如:a mind-blowing experience.(令人震撼的經驗。)
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