《中英對照讀新聞》Man who befriended stray dog during extreme desert marathon launches reunion appeal 在極限沙漠馬拉松賽中與流浪狗為友的男子發起團聚請求
(圖擷自The Independent)
An extreme marathon runner has launched an appeal to be reunited with a stray dog with whom he formed an "unbreakable bond" during a 250-kilometre race in the Gobi desert in China.
Dion Leonard, 41, hopes to raise the funds that will allow him to be reunited with the dog, named Gobi, who joined him during the annual 4 Deserts Race Series in March.
Gobi began running alongside the 101 competitors as they ran through the Tian Shan mountain range. Despite her small size the dog managed to run half of the race.
Mr Leonard, from Edinburgh, developed a particularly close bond with Gobi. He told The Independent:"At the start of Day two, Gobi was on the start line next to me looking up at me.’’
"This was the first contact I had with her and as I ran off the line I noticed her by my side. I didn’t speak much to her that day thinking she wouldn’t stay with me, but at the finish line she followed me into the tent and we slept next to each other. That was it then."
Mr Leonard set up the crowdfunding page to raise funds towards organising for Gobi to be transported from China to live with him in Scotland.
befriend:親近、與…交朋友。例句:She was longing for someone to befriend.(她渴望交朋友。)
bond:連結、聯繫。例句:The common dreams seemed to strengthen her bond with me.(這共同的夢想似乎加強了她與我之間的連結。)
crowdfunding:網路籌款。例句:She set up a crowdfunding page in the hope of paying off her massive student loans.(她成立一個群眾募款網頁,希望清償她龐大的助學貸款。)
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