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《中英對照讀新聞》Kashmiri militant asks president to spare his life 喀什米爾好戰份子求總統饒命

2006/11/16 06:00


An Islamist militant sentenced to death for his role in an attack on India’s parliament in 2001 has appealed to the country’s president for mercy, a jail official said.


"The mercy petition addressed to the president is being examined and will be forwarded to the appropriate authority," said the official of New Delhi’s high-security Tihar jail where Mohammed Afzal is lodged.


A separate mercy plea was filed by last month by Afzal’s wife who met President A.P.J Abdul Kalam, along with her young son and Afzal’s mother.


Afzal was sentenced in September by India’s Supreme Court, sparking violent protests in his native Indian Kashmir.


The Press Trust of India quoted Afzal as saying in his petition that the support he has received against his death sentence "has truly given me a new hope that I may still live and (be) able to see my son grow up".


The parliament attack, in which five gunmen stormed the legislature in December 2001, nearly sparked an India-Pakistan war.



appeal:懇求、訴諸或上訴。例句:The woman appealed to the government for help in smoking ban.(這名婦女籲請政府協助禁菸。)

mercy:憐憫、寬恕。例句:The jury found him guilty and didn’t recommend mercy.(陪審團認為他有罪,所以並未建議赦免他。)

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