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《中英對照讀新聞》Egyptian women protested against mass harassment 埃及婦女抗議集體騷擾

2006/11/15 06:00

◎ 胡立宗

Scores of Egyptian women demonstrated in Cairo against sexual harassment in response to reports that gangs of young men attacked women in the street at random and groped them last month.


Eyewitnesses, cited by newspapers and Web sites, said the attacks on women took place on Oct. 23 and 24, the first and second days of the Muslim feast of Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan.


The reports said police stood aside as mobs surrounded some women and pulled off some of their clothes, and that other women ran away and took shelter in shops and people’s homes.


The Interior Ministry, which runs the police force, said in a statement that it received no reports of harassment and that media reports of the incidents were baseless.


Protesters revived the opposition slogan "The Street is Ours" and called for President Hosni Mubarak and Interior Minister Habib el-Adli to be removed from office.



at random:隨機地、任意地。We choose team members at random.(我們隨機選出隊員。)

eyewitness:名詞,(目擊)證人;動詞,目睹。As the sole eyewitness of the case, she is now under strict protection.(她是該案的唯一目擊證人,現在正受嚴密保護。)

stand aside:站在旁邊,引申為袖手旁觀。The law has been violated, and the politician just stood aside.(有人違法了,但政客只是袖手旁觀。)

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