《中英對照讀新聞》 Pak marks 50 years since North Korea’s World Cup shock 朴斗翼紀念北韓世足賽爆冷50週年
◎ 茅毅
It has been five decades since Pak Du Ik scored the winning goal in North Korea’s shocking upset of Italy to reach the quarterfinals at the 1966 World Cup, a match that remains the country’s most memorable in football folklore.
"Now, 50 years later, if I think of that time, I was really young ... and although Italy was a very strong team, we beat them, the strong team," Pak said in a recent interview with The Associated Press to commemorate the anniversary. "I still haven’t lost the feeling of happiness from that. Also, I can still remember really clearly the way the British crowds supported our team."
North Korea ended Italy’s run at the tournament with the 1-0 win at Middlesbrough, England, on July 19, 1966, then lost to Portugal in the quarterfinals. A group of players returned to the stadium in Middlesbrough in 2002 to celebrate again the win over Italy, wearing red jerseys and scarves and receiving rapturous cheers from the crowd.
North Korea has reached the men’s World Cup finals only once since then - losing all three group games in 2010. The ’66 performance remained the best run by an Asian team at the marquee tournament until South Korea’s surge to the semifinals in 2002.
While teenage players recall that North Korea beat Italy in ’66, some are vague on the details. Jang Kyong Il, coach of the national under-14 women’s team, is among those who want to ensure the highlights live on. "Still, up until now, for us Korean sportspeople here, Pak Du Ik is a real sports hero,"he said.
upset:動詞,打亂、推翻、使心煩意亂。名詞:顛覆、煩亂、(意外的)敗績。Any mechanical problems would upset our plans of driving across the desert.(任何機件問題將打亂我們駕車橫越沙漠的計畫。)
rapturous:形容詞,著迷的、狂熱的。The play was greeted with rapturous applause.(這個表演被報以熱烈掌聲。)
live on:動詞片語,以……為生,繼續存活(在)。It’s hard to imagine what these people live on.(難以想像這些人是靠什麼過活的。)
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