《中英對照讀新聞》US college security forces add firepower 美國大學校警火力升級
Once a rarity on campuses, semi-automatic rifles are becoming a standard part of the arsenal for college security forces - firepower they say could make a difference the next time a gunman goes on a rampage.
The weapons were rarely seen in public, but over the past decade, at least 100 U.S. college police forces have added rifles.
"A bad shot with a rifle is better than a good shot with a handgun," said chief of Police at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagin, adding that rifles offer more firepower, longer range and greater accuracy than handguns.
There was a time when colleges debated whether campus police should be armed at all. In 2005, about a third of the nation’s campus police agencies were unarmed. However, in 2012, the last time colleges were surveyed, 75 percent were armed with some type of gun.
Things changed dramatically in the nine years since a student killed 32 people at Virginia Tech. For example, after decades without giving guns to its police, Princeton University announced in last November that it, too, would equip officers with rifles in case of a campus shooting.
rarity:名詞,稀有。例句:In the world’s driest Atacama Desert, rain is a rarity. (在世界最乾燥的阿塔卡馬沙漠,降雨非常罕見。)
arsenal:名詞,軍械庫;儲藏的武器。例句:An arsenal of guns and knives was found at the terrorists’ hideout. (恐怖份子的藏身處發現大批刀槍。)
rampage:名詞,浮躁不安。例句:The injured elephant is now on the rampage. (這隻受傷的大象現在脾氣很暴躁。)
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