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北京施壓阻WHA邀台灣... 美參議員怒:可恥的事件!

2017/05/11 12:44

美國共和黨參議院議員湯姆柯頓(Tom Cotton)針對WHA不邀台灣一事發布聲明稿,怒轟此舉是氣度小且魯莽的。(圖擷取自cotton.senate.gov)

〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕台灣此次未受邀參加世界衛生大會(WHA),美國阿肯色州參議院議員Tom Cotton(湯姆柯頓)發布聲明稿怒轟:「這可恥的事件是氣度狹小且魯莽的。」



"This shameful episode is petty and reckless, and shows that Beijing will pursue its campaign to isolate Taiwan even at the expense of public health worldwide. Taiwan is fully prepared to play a constructive role on the international stage, which it has proven in numerous other forums, including in past World Health Assemblies. This is yet another reason why we should enhance the U.S.-Taiwan relationship and encourage the world to welcome Taiwan's contributions to international peace and stability."


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