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2020/08/27 15:09


〔記者吳亮儀/台北報導〕講述中共摘取器官的《屠殺》(The Slaughter)一書作者伊森.葛特曼被台北市長柯文哲控告妨害名譽,今獲不起訴處分;葛特曼受訪時表示,摘取器官的悲劇是北京創造出來的,且得到少數外國醫師幫助,一些台灣的醫師對於從中國得到利益的誘惑無法免疫。

葛特曼表示,少數外國醫師認為可以從中國得到利益(ride the Chinese dragon),然後回到家中好像甚麼事都沒發生,也指出一些台灣醫師對這些誘惑並不免疫。




The organ harvesting tragedy was created by Beijing. Yet it has been assisted by a handful of foreign doctors who thought they could ride the Chinese dragon and come back home as if everything was normal. As I have made clear in my previous statements in Taipei and Westminster, some Taiwanese doctors were not immune to these temptations.

Yet I also remember that the Taiwanese medical establishment recently stood up alone to warn the world of a potential pandemic. That took courage. Yet it also came from Taiwan’s unique understanding of the Mainland.

I don’t need to tell you what is happening in Xinjiang. You understand. So on behalf of the tens of thousands of Uyghurs who are being slaughtered for their organs every year, I ask Taiwan to stand up alone one more time and terminate all contact with the Mainland Chinese transplant industry. It may take years, but the world will follow.

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