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    《中英對照讀新聞》Europe’s oldest McDonald’s worker, Bill Dudley, turns 90 歐洲最老的麥當勞員工比爾.杜德利90歲了

    2015/05/06 06:00


    Europe’s oldest McDonald’s worker has celebrated his 90th birthday with colleagues.


    Bill Dudley is still ’lovin’ it’ and has no plans to quit the fast-food joint in Mold, Flintshire, north Wales. ‘It helps me stay young and I just keep going,’ said Bill, who has worked there for the last nine years. Wife Margaret, 71, has nicknamed her hubby Old McDonald.


    Prior to his current role at McDonald’s, Bill, from Connah’s Quay, served in the royal navy during the Second World War and was presented with the Arctic Medal by Russian premier Vladimir Putin in 2013.


    Having worked as a delivery boy at a bakery before war broke out, Bill went on to work at Shotton Steel, spent time as a crane driver and also ran his own taxi firm. The restaurant was adorned with balloons and decorations to mark his birthday yesterday.


    Stewart Williams, franchisee of McDonald’s in Mold, where Bill still does six-hour shifts on Wednesdays and Thursdays each week said:’Bill is very well respected and a real asset to us.’


    ’He is fantastic with all the customers who love him. Some come in regularly just to see Bill. Bill is a great role model to our younger members of staff. We wouldn’t want to be without him and he is welcome to work here as long as he wants.’



    present:動詞,在此指贈送、授予、呈獻。例句:My father presented me with a pair of hiking shoes for my birthday.(我父親送我一雙登山鞋當生日禮物。)

    as(so) long as:片語,只要。例句:You may use the book as you like, as long as you keep it clean.(你可以盡量使用這本書,只要你保持乾淨。)

    role model:行為榜樣。例句:Teachers should remember that they are role models to their students.(為人師表者切記他們是學生的行為榜樣。)

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