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《中英對照讀新聞》Instead of ticket, officer buys girl booster seat 與其開罰單,員警為女童買安全座椅

2014/11/14 06:00

◎ 張沛元

A Michigan officer who pulled over a vehicle because a 5-year-old girl wasn’t secured in a booster seat decided a ticket wouldn’t cut it.


Instead, Emmett Township public safety officer Ben Hall bought her a seat.


"A ticket doesn’t solve the situation," Hall told WXMI-TV. "What solves it is the child being in the booster seat like she should be. It was the easiest 50 bucks I ever spent."


Hall was on patrol in the southern Michigan community when he pulled over the vehicle after someone reported that it had an unsecured young child inside. Alexis DeLorenzo and her daughter were riding with a friend, and Hall said DeLorenzo told him that she had fallen on hard times and couldn’t afford a booster seat.


"I was in a spot where I could help her," Hall said.


DeLorenzo said she knew that they could have been ticketed, but instead, Hall told her to meet him at a Wal-Mart, where he bought her the seat. (AP)




instead of:慣用語,與其…不如…。

not cut it:慣用語,無法令人滿意地解決問題或困境。例句:If she can’t cut it, then we’ll get someone else to do the job.(要是她無法解決問題,我們會找其他人來做這份工作。)

fall on hard times:慣用語,形容遭逢困境,特別是財務困窘。例句:He fell on hard times during the recession.(他在經濟蕭條期間手頭變得很緊。)

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