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《中英對照讀新聞》New York Times CEO says Chinese language site under review 紐約時報執行長說 正在檢討紐時中文網

2014/04/12 06:00


New York Times Co (NYT.N) Chief Executive Officer Mark Thompson said the publisher is going to keep all its money losing operations under review - including those in China.


The New York Times Chinese language website has been blocked in China ever since it published an article in October 2012 about the family wealth of Wen Jiabao, the former premier.


"The fact that we can’t be seen officially inside China means the revenue is not as large as we would have wished it to have been," he said.


"If it’s a loss-making operation, they are all under constant review."


The Chinese site’s struggles are one of several hurdles Thompson faces a little more than a year after he became CEO. He was Director-General of the BBC from 2004 to 2012.


Like other media organizations, the newspaper faces unprecedented challenges because of declining advertising revenue and print readership.


Many news companies, including The New York Times, are hoping to tap new revenue streams in foreign markets including Asia. The newspaper last month renamed its overseas publication - the International Herald Tribune - to the International New York Times as part of the drive for global growth. (Reuters)



constant:形容詞,固定的、持續的。例句:The machinery requires constant maintenance.(這個機器需要經常保養維修。)

director-general:名詞,總裁、最高執行長。例句:He became the director-general of the BBC last year.(他去年成為BBC的總裁。)

tap:動詞,旋開、竊聽、開發。例如:tap other revenus resources to make up the deficit(開闢其他稅收來源來彌補赤字)。

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