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《中英對照讀新聞》Walls of Jerusalem's Old City in danger of collapse 耶路撒冷古城牆有倒塌之虞

2005/11/24 06:00

◎ 羅彥傑

Large sections of the 16th century walls surrounding Jerusalem's Old City are in danger of collapse unless they undergo immediate restoration, an Israeli newspaper reported. 耶路撒冷古城的16世紀圍牆許多部份有倒塌之虞,除非立刻加以修復,一家以色列報紙報導。

According to an engineering survey conducted by the Israeli Antiquities Authority, 380 metres, or one-tenth, of the walls' extension are in immediate danger of collapse, Maariv said. 根據以色列古蹟主管機關進行的一項土木調查,這些圍牆有380公尺、亦即10分之1的長度,有立即倒塌的危險,「晚報」說。

The survey showed 11 sections of the stone wall needing attention, most of them located along the northern stretch, which flanks the Muslim quarter, and the southern stretch, which skirts the Jewish quarter.這項調查顯示,石造城牆有11段必須加以注意,其中大多位在繞過回教區側邊的北段以及繞行猶太區的南段。

The area in most need of work is the section which flanks the southern supporting wall of the Al-Aqsa mosque compound, the third holiest site in Islam.最需要維護的是繞行阿克沙清真寺南邊輔助圍牆側面的區段,阿克沙清真寺乃回教第三大聖地。

The site also houses the ruins of the ancient Jewish temple, the most sacred spot in Judaism, which was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. 此地也是猶太教最神聖的地帶—古老猶太人神廟遺跡的所在地,該神廟於西元70年為羅馬人所摧毀。


in danger of ~: 片語,指有~的危險。例句︰The bridge is in danger of collpase.(這座橋有倒塌的危險。)

locate:動詞,坐落於,常用被動語態。例句︰His house is located on the edge of the downtown.(他的房子坐落在市中心區的邊緣。)

flank: 動詞,指位於…的側面。例句︰The athletic field flanked the school.(運動場位於學校的側面。)

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