中英對照讀新聞》YouTuber charged for having a helicopter blast a Lamborghini with fireworks, authorities say當局稱,YouTuber因用直升機向藍寶堅尼發射煙火而遭控告

A YouTuber who specializes in “car shenanigans” is facing federal charges after authorities said he directed a video in which two people in a helicopter blasted fireworks at a speeding Lamborghini from above.
Alex Choi, 24, is charged with causing the placement of an explosive or incendiary device on an aircraft, the Department of Justice announced Thursday. If convicted, Choi faces a maximum of ten years in federal prison.
Prosecutors allege that Choi posted a video last July, made without filming permits, entitled “Destroying a Lamborghini with Fireworks.” The video has since been taken down but authorities said it shows Choi pressing a “fire missiles” button while two women on board a helicopter shoot fireworks at the sports car as it races across a desert landscape.
convict:動詞,被判有罪。例句:She was convicted of murdering her drunked and allegedly violent husband. (她因謀殺酒醉和涉嫌暴力的丈夫而被定罪。)
incendiary:形容詞,能引起燃燒的、煽動性的;名詞:燃燒彈、煽動者。例句:A shower of incendiaries struck the Opera House.(一陣燃燒彈襲擊歌劇院。)
span class=paperkeyword〉#中英對照讀新聞#YouTuber#藍寶堅尼