Stolen antique weathervane recovered 40 years later and returned to Vermont被竊古老風向儀40年後尋獲回到佛蒙特州

An antique copper weathervane that was swiped from a Vermont railway station 40 years ago has been found and was returned to the state last week, the Vermont Agency of Transportation has announced.
The 1910 weathervane is of a steam locomotive and coal tender and was made by W.A. Snow Iron Works Inc. It sat on top of the White River Junction station in Hartford before it was stolen Nov. 3, 1983, the transportation agency said Tuesday. Nearly 40 years later, it was consigned to New York auction house Sotheby’s, officials said.
The organization Arts Loss Register, which has a database of lost, stolen and looted art, antiques and collectibles, confirmed that the piece was the stolen weathervane, so the auction house pulled it from sale, the transportation agency said.
The state currently owns the White River Junction station. Arts Loss Register worked with the state to return the weathervane last week, the transportation agency said.
swipe:動詞,指擊打、偷竊、刷卡、手指在螢幕上滑動;名詞,指抨擊、打擊、揮擊。例句:She took a swipe at the company management.(她批評了公司管理。)
consign:動詞,指運送、投遞、托運、交付。The gift has been consigned to you by air.(禮物已空運給你)。