中英對照讀新聞》’Coco’ Chanel’s influential fashion on show at London exhibit倫敦特展秀出「可可」香奈兒的時尚影響力

With displays ranging from tweed suits to an array of little black dresses, a new London exhibition looks at the work of one of fashion’s most famous names - French designer Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel.
Opening at the V&A museum on Saturday, "Gabrielle Chanel. Fashion Manifesto" is the first British exhibition dedicated to the designer’s creations and longstanding influence on fashion.
於維多利亞與艾伯特博物館開幕的「嘉柏麗.香奈兒 時尚宣言」,是首次在英國展現這位設計師的創作及對時尚歷久不衰的影響力。
"One of the key influences that Gabrielle Chanel has had on the way we dress today is a sense of adaptability and practicality," Connie Karol Burks, curator of the department for textiles and fashion since 1900 at the museum, told Reuters.
"She was constantly thinking about movement and being comfortable and being able to enjoy wearing your clothes."
manifesto:名詞,宣言。例句:The Communist Manifesto is written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.(共產黨宣言由卡爾.馬克思和弗里德里希.恩格斯撰寫)
practicality:名詞,實用性。例句:This product focus on practicality.(這個產品專注於實用性上)