中英對照讀新聞》Russian journalist who protested on live television escapes house arrest 在電視現場直播中抗議的俄羅斯記者從軟禁中脫逃

Marina Ovsyannikova, a Russian journalist who staged a daring protest live on state-run television, has been declared a fugitive after going on the run, Russian media reported.
Ovsyannikova was placed under house arrest in August. She had been charged with disseminating false information about the Russian military. Her detention was supposed to last until Sunday.
Ovsyannikova’s ex-husband said that she had escaped house arrest with her daughter on Saturday, TASS reported. Her lawyer said he could not confirm those allegations.
The 44-year-old journalist shot to international fame in March when, as an editor at Russia’s state-controlled Channel One television station, she stood behind an anchor and held up a sign that read “No War” during a live broadcast.
daring:形容詞,大膽的,勇敢的。例句:He made a daring escape.(他進行一場大膽的逃亡行動。)
disseminate:動詞,傳播,散布。例句:They are disseminating anti-government propaganda.(他們在散布反政府文宣。)
shoot to fame:片語,一炮而紅、一舉成名。例句:He shot to fame with this song.(他靠這首歌一炮而紅。)