中英對照讀新聞》A pack of crisps a day could lead to one stone weight gain每天1包洋芋片體重恐增加1英石
People drastically underestimate the number of calories in their snacks, with experts warning that eating a bag of crisps every day could lead to a stone of weight gain in a year.
A survey of around 2,000 adults found that around three quarters underestimated the impact of a small reduction could have. One in ten believed that cutting 200 calories a day would not affect weight.
When it came to snacks, people struggled, with 95 percent guessing that half a sharing bag of tortilla chips had 214 calories on average, almost half the true figure of 447.
New rules coming into force in October will restrict promotions on foods high in fat, sugar and salt in big shops.
on(the)average:平均而言。例句:I spend 2,000 dollars per month on average.(我每月平均花費2000美元。)
come into force:慣用片語,生效。例句:New driving regulations will come into force this July.(駕駛新規自7月起生效。)