中英對照讀新聞》Las Vegas is ready to roll the dice on pre-pandemic normalcy 拉斯維加斯準備好為疫情前的常態冒險一搏
1名歌手1日當天凌晨在美國賭城拉斯維加斯登台獻藝,慶祝該市解封。 (法新社檔案照)
With vaccinations driving down new COVID-19 infections, Las Vegas is betting big that people will play by the rules and wear masks and keep their distance if they are not vaccinated.
After Monday night’s opening celebration, casinos around town began taking down plexiglass dividers that kept patrons separated at slot machines and other gambling stations.
The vaccines, in any case, are providing a much-needed economic shot in the arm for the city that largely depends on tourism. The jobless rate in Las Vegas surged to 34% in April 2020, one of the worst rates in the country, according to US Bureau of Labor Statistics.
roll the dice:慣用語,字面意義為擲骰子,引申冒險求富貴,冒險一搏。例句:It’s less risky to choose something you are familiar with rather than rolling the dice with something totally new to you.(與其在對你而言全新的事物上冒險一搏,選你熟悉的事物的風險比較小。)
bet big:慣用語,字面意義為下重注,引申為不惜砸重本力挺某事或某人。
a shot in the arm:慣用語,字面意義為打在手臂上的一針,引申為能對某事物帶來突然且正面影響的行為,一劑強心針;另可意指喝酒。例句:TGIF! I need a shot in the arm—anyone wanna join me?(感謝老天終於週五了!我需要喝一杯,有人要一起嗎?)