中英對照讀新聞》’Smart crib’ aims to help rockabye baby 「智慧嬰兒床」力圖幫忙哄寶寶乖乖睡

As every new parent knows, sleep can go out the window after the arrival of a newborn.
That was certainly the case for parents Radhika and Bharath Patil, who seeking relief for their own disrupted sleep patterns, put their electronic engineering backgrounds together to create a "smart crib".
Their crib, powered by artificial intelligence, combines a baby monitor, rocker, bassinet and crib in one.
"It’s not the amount of work around the baby that tires the parents, it’s the lack of sleep," Radhika Patil, Cradlewise chief executive, told Reuters in an interview.
Early detection is key, she said, adding that the sooner parents can detect the baby waking up, the easier it is to get the child to fall back asleep.
"Once you put the baby in, the crib takes care of everything. That’s the aim," Bharath Patil said.(Reuters)
crib:名詞,指有欄杆的嬰兒床、飼料槽、牛欄、偷竊;動詞,指束縛、限制、設置木欄、剽竊、抄襲、欺騙。例句:I wonder what TV show she cribbed these lines from.(我想知道她從哪個電視節目學來這些話的。)
rockabye:動詞,指哄睡;形容詞,指哄睡貌;名詞,指乖乖睡。例句:Rockabye baby. I’m gonna rock you.(寶貝,睡吧!我來哄你睡。)
go out the window:片語,指完全消失、不復存在。例句;His image as a clean-hands politician went out the window when investigators discovered that his campaign accepted almost $5 million in illegal contributions.(當調查人員發現他的競選團隊接受將近500萬美元的非法獻金時,其清廉政治形象蕩然無存。)