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《中英對照讀新聞》Sri Lanka:’Too many twins’ hinder world record attempt. 斯里蘭卡:「太多雙胞胎」阻撓世界紀錄的締造



2020/01/28 05:30

An attempt to set a world record in Sri Lanka for the largest gathering of twins appears to have failed after too many turned up.


The organisers of the event - Sri Lanka Twins - called on the island’s twins to gather at a sports stadium in the capital, Colombo, to try to break Taiwan’s Guinness World Record set in 1999. The record then was 3,961 pairs of twins, 37 sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets together in one place.

活動籌辦單位「Sri Lanka Twins」,召集島上的雙胞胎齊聚首都可倫坡的一座體育場,試圖打破台灣1999年創下的金氏世界紀錄。該次紀錄共有3961對雙胞胎、37對三胞胎,與4對四胞胎齊聚。

But a bigger than expected crowd flocked to the stadium on Monday, causing long queues and meaning strict rules on registration were hindered. Sri Lanka Twins say the huge turnout meant they had probably been unable to meet the strict guidelines set by Guinness World Records.

但是,週一湧入體育場的人超乎預期地多,造成大排長龍,也意味著嚴格的認證規範受到干擾。「Sri Lanka Twins」表示,洶湧人潮代表他們可能無法滿足金氏世界紀錄的嚴格標準。

Although it will be two weeks before they find out if they qualified for the record or not. The organisers have vowed to set up another event, and many participants said they would be happy to try again.

雖然還需要2週時間才知道他們是否符合紀錄標準。「Sri Lanka Twins」已誓言將舉辦另一場活動,許多本次活動的參與者也表示,很樂意再參加一次。


turn up:片語,突然出現。例句:You always turn up when I need the helps.(你總是在我需要幫助時突然出現。)

twins:名詞,雙胞胎。例句:Jack and me are twins.(傑克與我是雙胞胎。)

flock:動詞,蜂擁、聚集。例句:Thousands of people flocked to the square. (數千人湧入廣場。)

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