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《中英對照讀新聞》Royal wedding knickknacks are flying off the shelf 王室婚禮小擺飾現正暢銷



2018/05/14 06:00


On May 19, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will marry. The couple will wed in St. George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle — a royal residence in the small town of Windsor some 22 miles west of central London.


The bells of St. George’s will chime to mark the happy event, but the cash tills are already ringing. Tourism is by far Windsor’s biggest industry. Thanks to the royals, 7 million visitors flock to the town every year, and an extra 100,000 are expected on the wedding day, boosting the local economy.


The deputy leader of the local council, Phillip Bicknell, anticipates that many free-spending Americans will be among the tourists.“The Americans are very keen on the wedding because they’re going to get in to the royal family at last.” Bicknell said.


In the King and Queen Gift Shop at the foot of Windsor’s Castle Hill, Harry and Meghan memorabilia have been flying off the shelves. Tourists have been snapping up fridge magnets, T-shirts, tea towels and mugs bearing images of the happy couple and costing $18 or more.


The royal wedding has triggered an avalanche of royal tat, including some bizarre products like the Harry and Meghan breakfast cereal, and the aim is obvious:to make a quick buck.



fly off the shelf:慣用語,(商品)暢銷、熱賣。例句:I’m sure the product will fly off the shelf.(我相信這項產品會熱賣。)

snap up:慣用語,搶購。例句:Bargain hunters are rushing to snap up discounted versions of the season’s most popular items.(投機商爭相搶購當季熱門款的折扣商品。)

make a quick buck:慣用語,賺取近利、撈不義之財。例句:Rita want to make a quick buck by reselling foreign wines.(芮塔想靠轉售外國酒賺取近利。)

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