《中英對照讀新聞》Rare ’marimo’ algae shown outside Japan for the 1st time-罕見的毬藻首度在日本以外地區展出

Rare ball-shaped "marimo" freshwater algae are on display here in Taipei, the first time such specimens from Japan have been shown overseas, as part of a commemorative exhibition.
Marimo, which were discovered in Hokkaido’s Lake Akanko in 1897, are designated by the government as a special natural monument. They were flown to Taipei and went on display at the National Taiwan Museum here Dec. 2.
It is the first time for marimo from Japan to be exhibited overseas, according to the Kushiro city government. The lake is located in Kushiro, eastern Hokkaido.
The exhibition was organized to mark the 120th anniversary of the algae’s discovery by Takiya Kawakami (1871-1915), who was studying at what is now Hokkaido University.
Kawakami later became a botanist and served as the first director of the museum after moving to Taiwan, which was then under Japanese colonial rule.
on display:慣用語,陳列,展示。例句:Some of his paintings are on display at the art museum.(他的部分畫作在這座美術館展出。)
designate:動詞,任命,指定,委任。例句:He has been designated to organize the annul party.(他被指派籌辦這場年度派對。)