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    這樣不專業?穿比基尼照樣救傷 女醫師po文反歧視



    2020/08/02 22:55

    〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕美國網路近日掀起對女性醫護人員穿著的討論,社群網站出現一個名為「#MedBikini」的主題標籤,有許多女性醫療從業者分享自己的比基尼照;其中,夏威夷醫師咪兒(Candice Myhre)就po出自己救人的照片,引起許多網友按讚回響。




    在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

    Dr Bikini ????will save your life in the middle of the Ocean when you get hit by a boat. I will take you out of the ocean on a surfboard turned into a backboard, tie off your exsanguinating wound with my rash guard, take you to my under equipped urgent care, stabilize you in 1 hour with an IV, oxygen, morphine, fluids, Foley, and put your open femur fracture in Bucks traction, fly you by helicopter to a local hospital, order and interpret all the labs, xrays, CT scans, suture/staple all your wounds, splint your clavicle/ humerus and scapula fractures,sedate you, put a chest tube in your 5 rib fractured hemopneumothorax and fly you by jet to a specialty hospital in another country....all in my you guessed it ???? I am an Emergency Medicine Physician standing in solidarity with female vascular surgeons today. NEWSFLASH: FEMALE DOCTORS CAN WEAR WHATEVER THEY WANT. ⁣ Female doctors, nurses, NPs/PAs, all healthcare professionals - we can wear a bikini, a dress, or we can wear scrubs. This does not change how good we are at being a healthcare provider. We can wear WHATEVER we want on our free time, and still save your life. Sexism in medicine is alive and well. But we won’t let that stop us. In this ridiculous article published in a well respected medical journal, the vascular surgery authors sought out to determine how many vascular surgeons had participated in what they state is “inappropriate social media behavior”, which they defined as FEMALES IN BIKINIS - BUT GET THIS: NOT MEN IN BATHING SUITS.  Other topics considered “inappropriate” were Halloween costumes (should I take down my pregnant nun costume?) GUN CONTROL and politics.  The “study” was written by 3 men who created fake social media accounts to spy on applicants. My dad who was a triple boarded cardiovascular and thoracic surgeon would not approve of their study. Especially since he liked gardening in a speedo. Women in medicine: whether you’re a nurse, medical student, resident, an attending, post your favorite bikini pic/dress pic/halloween pic/anything today and tag me, and #medbikini . We have to drown out the sexism in medicine and keep it moving. It’s 2020 people. Sexism is cancelled.

    Dr. Candice ???? Myhre(@drcandysurfvival)分享的貼文 於 張貼

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