見穆斯林被嗆 澳洲正義姐犀利回擊超霸氣
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕澳洲一名23歲「正義姐」伊登(Stacey Eden)昨(15)日在臉書上傳一段影片,她在電車上為一個遭嗆「支持伊斯蘭國(IS)」的穆斯林家庭挺身而出,正義發言讓不少網友大讚超霸氣。
影片公開後迅速流傳,目前已有逾3000則分享。伊登正氣凜然的舉動引來大批網友回應,紛紛盛讚:「妳太威了,超崇拜!」、「世界上需要更多像妳一樣的人」、「上帝保佑妳」;而當事穆斯林家庭的丈夫巴提(Hafeez Ahmed Bhatti)也在臉書上表示感謝,寫道:「謝謝妳為我們挺身而出,我由衷相信妳及許多澳洲人尊重每個信仰。」
So i sat there for a good 10 minutes before i started recording this, while i listened to this woman bad mouth muslims and call the lady sitting opposite me an ISIS supporter because she wore a scarf, then she told me to go join ISIS because i was sticking up for her. People like this make me sick. People who are so ignorant and disrespectful to other people who were clearly sitting there minding their own business. She was saying some pretty horrible and hurtful things before i spoke up then as soon as i started defending them she stopped. People need to stop judging and putting others down over religion! EVERY RELIGION HAS GOOD AND BAD but if you take it back to the foundations, every religion is also built on LOVE. To LOVE one another.The purpose of religion is to control yourself, not to criticise others.
Posted by Stacey Eden on 2015年4月15日