《中英對照讀新聞》Lottery Lawsuit Winner Offers Advice For Workers In Office Pools 樂透訴訟贏家對同事集資買彩券者提出忠告
For Scott Bradley and about a dozen co-workers, dreams of hitting it rich came true on December 12, 2008.
That’s when he and 13 other employees of the city of Piqua street department won the Mega Millions lottery and each walked away with about $5.5 million dollars after taxes. Bradley says his life changed forever.
But for the "Piqua 14" there were a few bumps in their road to riches. Four other co-workers who didn’t win either because they weren’t at work or just didn’t play, decided to sue.
The lottery winning city workers also won their case thanks to good record keeping. Lawyers say it starts with photocopying the purchased ticket before the drawing and either handing out or displaying copies in the office.
walk away/off with something:慣用語,形容輕鬆贏得某物,或拿走、竊取某物。例句一:The Mets could walk away with the championship.(大都會隊可輕鬆贏得冠軍。)例句二:I think somebody just walked off with my iphone!(我想我的哀鳳被偷了。)
at work:慣用語,上班中;運作中。
a bump in the road:慣用語,非正式用法,指問題或挫敗。例句:Their marriage has hit another bump in the road.(他們的婚姻又出現其他問題。)
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