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    《中英對照讀新聞》’Simpsons’ predicted Trump presidency in 2000 《辛普森家庭》曾在2000年預測川普當選總統



    2016/03/22 06:00


    The "Bart to the Future" episode of "The Simpsons,"which aired 16 years ago, on March 19, 2000, predicted a Donald Trump presidency. In the episode, Bart is shown a vision of his life. As an adult, he is pretty much a loser.Lisa, on the other hand, becomes the first "straight female" president of the United States,following Trump’s time in office.


    "As you know, we’ve inherited quite a budget crunch from President Trump, "Lisa tells her advisers from behind her Oval Office desk. "How bad is it? The country is broke? How can it be?" In actuality, Trump will likely be the 2016 GOP presidential nominee.


    "The Simpsons" writer Dan Greaney said he did not remember who pitched the idea of Trump being president. The important thing is that Lisa comes into the presidency when America is on the ropes and that is the condition left by the Trump presidency.


    The Simpsons, he said, "has always kind of embraced the over-the-top side of American culture … and [Trump] is just the fulfilment of that. It was a warning to America."



    straight:形容詞,直的,異性戀的。例句:A study shows more and more straignt guys are going gay.(一項研究顯示,愈來愈多的「直男」(異性戀男子)成為同志。)

    budget crunch:名詞,預算吃緊。例句:She was a graphic designer, but due to a budget crunch, she was laid off.(她原本是圖像設計師,但由於預算吃緊被裁員。)

    on the ropes:片語,岌岌可危,舉步維艱。例句:We ought to do something to cheer Bob up. He’s really on the ropes.(我們必須做些什麼來鼓勵鮑伯,他真的舉步維艱。)

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