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《中英對照讀新聞》Jude Law leads celebs highlighting refugee plight in Calais 裘德.洛率領名人凸顯加萊難民的困境

2016/02/24 06:00



British celebrities including Jude Law and playwright Tom Stoppard were due to appear at the "Jungle" migrant camp in northern France on Sunday to draw attention to the plight of refugees facing imminent eviction.


The event was organised by Letters Live, which gets actors and comedians to read letters from famous historical figures, and Sunday’s event was set to include new writing by refugees living in the camp on the outskirts of Calais.


Also due to take part were singer Tom Odell, comedians Matt Berry and Shappi Khorsandi and actor Toby Jones, with their readings translated into Arabic, Farsi, Pashto and Kurdish.


Law helped organise a petition to Prime Minister David Cameron this week, urging him to press France for a delay to the demolition of the southern part of the camp, which could start as early as Tuesday.


Over 96,000 people, including over 150 public figures, have signed the letter, which calls for children in the Jungle with relatives in Britain to be reunited with their families while their asylum cases are heard.


"These are innocent, vulnerable children caught up in red tape with the frightening prospect of the demolition of the Jungle hanging over them," Law said.



be caught up in:動詞片語,陷入、捲入…之中。例句:She was caught up in the anti-poverty movement.(她投身反貧窮運動。)

red tape:名詞,繁文縟節、繁瑣程序。例句:He gets things done by cutting through the red tape.(他減少繁文縟節,將事情完成。)

hang over:動詞片語,逼近、籠罩、威脅。例句:An economic crisis was hanging over that country.(一場經濟危機正威脅著那個國家。)

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