《中英對照讀新聞》Racy night with handcuffs lands Arkansas man in handcuffs, again 手銬相伴的火辣之夜讓阿肯色男再度被銬
An Arkansas couple’s evening of "kinky" entertainment ended with one pair of handcuffs used for fun being replaced by another used for real in an arrest, police said on Friday.
Dustin Taylor, 21, summoned police this week to his home in Fort Smith to remove a pair of handcuffs he told officers he and his wife had been using the previous night while "doing some ’kinky’ things," the official report stated.
The couple had lost the key, Taylor explained.
The responding patrolman removed the handcuffs and did a routine search of Taylor’s name in a police database.
When the computer reported an outstanding warrant for Taylor on criminal mischief, handcuffs went back on. But this time they belonged to the officer.
Sergeant Daniel Grubbs, spokesman for the Fort Smith police, expressed a measure of sympathy for Taylor.
"I sort of wish the guy had invested in an extra handcuff key," Grubbs said. (Reuters)
racy:形容詞,活潑的、味美的、猥褻的。例句:His racy stories are shocking.(他的荒淫故事令人吃驚。)
land in:片語動詞,指著陸於、使陷入。例句:He was careless and landed in trouble.(他粗心而深陷麻煩中。)
kinky:形容詞,指捲曲的、古怪的、變態的。例句:He is keen on kinky sexual activity.(他熱中於變態的性行為。)
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