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《中英對照讀新聞》UAE sending Colombian mercenaries to Yemen: sources 消息人士:阿拉伯聯合大公國派哥倫比亞傭兵赴葉門

2016/02/01 06:00


The United Arab Emirates has secretly sent some 300 Colombian mercenaries to fight for it in Yemen, paying handsomely to recruit a private army of well-trained, battle-hardened South American soldiers, sources told AFP.


The sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the Colombians’ experience fighting leftist guerrillas and drug traffickers in their home country made them attractive recruits for the UAE.


"Colombian soldiers are highly prized for their training in fighting guerrillas," one source, a Colombian former army officer, told AFP in Bogota.


The presence of Colombian troops in Yemen’s bloody conflict further complicates what is already a messy proxy war pitting Iran, which backs the rebels, against a US-backed Arab coalition led by rival regional heavyweight Saudi Arabia.


He said the UAE sought to sweeten the deal by limiting tours of duty to three months and offering an extra $120 a day in combat pay.


"They want to make war an industry using Colombians as cannon fodder," he said. (AFP)



prize:動詞,視為珍貴或重要。例句:We were taught to prize honour above money.(我們被教導珍視榮譽甚於錢財。)

pit sb/sth against sb/sth:片語,使兩者相鬥、較量。例句:The tiny country has only a small army to pit against the warlords’ hordes of soldiers.(這個小國只有一小支軍隊對抗軍閥的大批部隊。)

cannon fodder:名詞,生命被視為不重要的一般士兵被送去作戰。例句:African warlords use young soldiers as cannon fodder.(非洲軍閥利用年輕士兵當砲灰。)

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