《中英對照讀新聞》Serena Williams named Sports Illustrated’s Sportsperson of the Year 小威廉絲榮膺運動畫刊年度運動員
Serena Williams, who held all four of tennis’s grand slam titles for the second time in her career and won 53 of 56 matches in 2015, was named Sportsperson of the Year by Sports Illustrated magazine on Monday.
The 34-year-old accomplished her second ’Serena Slam’ while battling a string of injuries, producing one of the greatest late-career runs in the history of any sport, the magazine said, hailing her a "global icon".
Williams was ranked number one every week for the second consecutive year, and her three successive grand slam wins to start 2015 lifted her within one of Steffi Graf’s record 22 singles titles in the professional era.
Williams is the first woman to be recognized with the honor as an individual since Mary Decker in 1983, and the magazine took the opportunity to rename its award from Sportsman of the Year to Sportsperson of the Year.
小威是自1983年(美國田徑奧運冠軍)瑪莉.黛克爾以來,首位獲得此殊榮的女性個人運動員,雜誌更藉此機會將獎項名稱由「Sportsman」 of the Year改為(中性的)「Sportsperson」 of the Year。
The magazine also cited Williams as a force off the court, using her broad platform to advocate for racial justice, gender equality and equal access to education around the world.
hail:動詞,向…歡呼、為…喝采、擁立、招呼;名詞指歡呼、打招呼。例句:The people lined the street to hail the king.(人民在街上列隊為國王歡呼。)
rank:動詞,把…分等級、列為;名詞,等級、地位、社會階層、隊伍。例句:I joined the ranks of the unemployed.(我加入了失業者的行列。)
advocate:動詞,提倡、主張、擁護;名詞指提倡者、擁護者。例句:They are advocates of press freedom.(他們是新聞自由的擁護者。)
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