《中英對照讀新聞》Kobe Bryant to retire at end of season 柯比.布萊恩球季結束後退休
Los Angeles Lakers great Kobe Bryant, arguably the best player of his generation, announced on Sunday he will retire after the 2015-16 National Basketball Association season.
Bryant, who is struggling through the worst season of his illustrious 20-year career with the Los Angeles Lakers, said in a piece posted on the Players’ Tribune website that "I’m ready to let [basketball] go."
The decision was not totally unexpected as the 37-year-old Lakers guard has been plagued by injuries in recent seasons and had recently said he was considering retirement.
"I can’t love you obsessively for much longer. This season is all I have left to give," wrote Bryant. "My heart can take the pounding, my mind can handle the grind, but my body knows it’s time to say goodbye."
He has appeared in 17 All-Star games, was named the Most Valuable Player for the 2007-08 regular season and landed MVP honors in the 2009 and 2010 Finals when he led the Lakers to consecutive championships.
arguably:副詞,可認為、可論證地。例句:He is arguably the best actor in hostory.(他可以說是史上最傑出的演員。)
plague:動詞,使受苦、折磨、使染瘟疫;名詞指瘟疫、災難、討厭的(人事物)。例句:The country was hit by a plague of natural disasters last year.(國家去年天災不斷。)
grind:名詞,苦差事、研磨;動詞指刻苦地做、苦學、研磨。例句:He grinds his teeth in his sleep.(他睡覺時會磨牙。)
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