《中英對照讀新聞》Man in wheelchair robs New York bank, gets away 坐輪椅男子搶紐約的銀行並逃跑
Police on Tuesday were searching for a man in a wheelchair who is suspected of robbing a New York bank and rolling out of the building with $1,200 cash to make a clean getaway.
The man, who wore a gray hoodie and appeared to be about 30 years old according to surveillance video, is accused of passing a note to a Santander Bank teller in the New York City borough of Queens on Monday afternoon and demanding money, a New York Police Department spokesman said.
Despite never showing a gun to bank workers, the man was not intercepted as he exited the bank in his wheelchair with the loot. No arrests have been made.
The New York incident is not the first time a person in a wheelchair has robbed a bank.
A 60-year-old Idaho man in a wheelchair was arrested last year for holding up a First Federal Bank, stopped by police while attempting to flee the robbery scene in a taxi cab.
In 2010, a terminally ill California man in a wheelchair hoping to get medical care in prison held up a Chase Bank with a BB gun. He was arrested outside the building and was sentenced to 21 years’ incarceration.
roll out:片語動詞,指鋪開、滾出來、起床、動身、推出新產品或服務、滔滔不絕宏亮地說。例句:Optimus Prime gives the order, “Autobots, transform and roll out!"(柯博文下令:「博派變形金剛,出發!」)
getaway:名詞,指犯罪後逃跑、為躲避他人而離開、短期度假。例句:I’m planning a summer getaway.(我正在規劃一個夏日小假期。)
hold up:片語動詞,指舉起、支撐、耽擱、搶劫。例句:I think the arguments won’t hold up.(我認為這些論點站不住腳。)
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