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《中英對照讀新聞》Joe Hockey: Australian treasurer slammed on social media 澳洲財政部長喬.霍基在社群媒體上挨轟

2015/06/22 06:00


"Get a good job that pays good money."


That was Australian Treasury Minister Joe Hockey’s message to first-time home buyers.


Mr Hockey was speaking at a press conference in Canberra when he denied Sydney’s property market was becoming unaffordable.


"If housing were unaffordable in Sydney, no one would be buying it," he said.


"So the starting point for a first home buyer is to get a good job. Then you can go to the bank and borrow money."


Mr Hockey’s words were slammed by thousands of Australians on social media, with many users criticising him for being "arrogant" and "out of touch" with difficulties faced by young buyers.


A Twitter user remarked: "Maybe [Mr Hockey] should live off the minimum wage and see how real people live."


Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who stood by Mr Hockey and defended his comments, was also not spared on social media.


The opposition Australian Labor Party also weighed in with the tweet: "Want a ’good’ job that pays good money? Why not apply for one in Joe Hockey’s office!"



slam:動詞,批評、抨擊。例句:The controversial artist’s latest work was slammed as "crass".(這名備受爭議的藝術家最新作品被批評「低俗」。)

live off:動詞片語,靠某人或某事物為生。例句:She has been living off her parents since she graduated from college.(她大學畢業後就一直靠父母養。)

weigh in:動詞片語,加入(討論或辯論)。例句:Several prominent academics weighed in with their professional views.(數名重量級學者提出他們的專業看法加入討論。)

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