《中英對照讀新聞》German police find lamb in a Munich brothel, and rescue it 德國警方在慕尼黑妓院發現並救出一隻小羊
German police detained a 25-year-old prostitute for keeping a three-week-old lamb named Birke as a pet in a Munich brothel, police said in a statement.
The woman was also briefly detained for drug possession - she and her lamb were discovered during a narcotics raid. Prostitution itself is legal in Germany. Keeping a lamb in a brothel evidently is not.
Police said the woman showed them a letter from veterinary authorities laying out the conditions in which a lamb should be raised. Those conditions did not include inside a brothel, so she was forbidden to keep the lamb, police said.
"The lamb was turned over to an animal protection group," the statement said. "During its short stay with police, the lamb felt comfortable and starting drinking from a bottle."(Reuters)
detain:動詞,指挽留、耽擱、扣押。例句:I won’t detain you any further.(我不會再耽擱你了。)
lay out:片語動詞,指展示、陳設、規劃、設計、闡述、入殮準備、花大錢、擊倒在地。例句:He laid out a fortune for his car.(他在他的車子上砸了大錢。)
raise:動詞,指提升、養育、籌集、激起;名詞,指增高、高處、加薪。例句:The accident raises questions about the safety of the machine.(這起事故引發了對該機器安全性的質疑。)
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