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《中英對照讀新聞》Fattest island launches slimming award 最肥胖的島嶼發起減肥大賽

2006/08/22 06:00


Burgers and booze have bloated waistlines so much in Japan’s southern island of Okinawa that authorities in the capital have launched a slimming competition.


Girths are growing across Japan as lifestyles and diets have become more Westernized:according to a Health Ministry report earlier this year, some 29 percent of men aged 20-60 are overweight compared with 24 percent in 2000.


But the problem is at its worst in the far-flung island of Okinawa, said a spokeswoman for the capital city of Naha, where 45.4 percent of men in their 40s and 50s are obese.


The spokeswoman said Okinawa, which has tumbled down Japan’s longevity rankings, could partly blame burger-munching Americans who ruled the islands from the end of World War Two until 1972 and the thousands of U.S. troops still stationed there.


"In the past, we had a plain and healthy diet, but ever since the American rule, our diet has become Americanized," she said.



slim:指使體重減輕,或減少、縮減,如He slimmed his figure with a rigid diet.(他藉由嚴格限制飲食成功減重。)slim亦可做形容詞,指苗條、纖細,或指微薄、稀少,如He lived on a slim income.(他靠微薄的收入生活。)

diet:名詞,指飲食、食物,如Their diet chiefly consists of grain and vegetables.(他們的主食為穀類和蔬菜。)diet亦可指(某種疾病或狀況的)特別飲食,如No chocolate, please. I’m on a diet.(請不要放巧克力,我正在節食。)

longevity:長壽;壽命,如His longevity vexed his heirs.(他的長命讓繼承人們感到惱火。)

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